Villa Carlotta è un luogo di rara bellezza: qui capolavori della natura e dell’ingegno umano convivono armoniosamente in 70.000 mq tra giardini e strutture museali.

In una conca naturale, tra lago e montagne, il marchese Giorgio Clerici fece edificare alla fine del 1600 una splendida dimora, imponente ma sobria, circondata da un giardino all’italiana, di fronte ad uno scenario mozzafiato sulle dolomitiche Grigne e Bellagio.

Con Gian Battista Sommariva, il successivo proprietario, la villa toccò il sommo dello splendore, arricchendosi di opere d’arte e divenendo meta irrinunciabile per una visita sul lago di Como. Sommariva, che acquisì la proprietà agli inizi dell’Ottocento, volle che parte del giardino fosse trasformato in uno straordinario parco romantico e che la villa venisse impreziosita con capolavori di Canova, Thorvaldsen e Hayez.

Il parco di villa Carlotta è celeberrimo per la stupefacente fioritura primaverile dei rododendri e delle azalee in oltre 150 varietà. Tuttavia ogni periodo dell’anno è adatto per una visita: antichi esemplari di camelie, cedri e sequoie secolari, platani immensi e essenze esotiche si propongono ai visitatori in un alternarsi di ambientazioni create nei secoli dagli architetti dei giardini.


Villa Carlotta is a place of rare beauty, where masterpieces of nature and art live together in perfect harmony in over 70.000 square metres of gardens and museum.

The beautiful villa was built at the end of XVII century by the Milanese marquis Giorgio Clerici in a natural basin between lake and mountains, facing the dolomite Grignas and the peninsula of Bellagio. The architect created for the Clericis an important but sober building, with an Italian garden decorated with sculptures, stairs and fountains.

In 1801 Gian Battista Sommariva, famous politician, businessman and patron of arts, bought the villa. Thanks to this owner the property in Tremezzo attained the summit of its splendour and became one of the most important halting-place of the Grand Tour.

The villa became a temple of XIX century art with works of Canova, Thorvaldsen and Hayez: Palamedes, Eros and Psyche, Terpsychore, The last kiss of Romeo and Juliet are only some of the masterpieces that enriches the extraordinary collection. Under Sommariva part of the park was transformed in a fascinating romantic garden.

Sommariva’s heirs sold the villa in 1843 to Princess Marianne of Nassau, Albertís of Prussia wife, who gave it as a present to her daughter Carlotta in occasion of her wedding with Georg II of Saxen-Meiningen. Hence the name Villa Carlotta.

Very fond in botanic, Georg enriched the park, today of great historical and environmental value. The gardens of Villa Carlotta chiefly owe their reputation to the rhododendronsí and azaleasí spring flowering, consisting of over 150 different sorts. But the gardens are worth to visit in every period of the year: old varieties of camellias, century old cedars and sequoias, huge planes and tropical plants, the Rock garden and the Ferns valley, the Rhododendrons wood and the Bamboos garden, the agricultural tools museum and the wonderful views on the lake built in the ages the celebrity of this place, still today consider “a place of heaven”.



Come raggiungere questa sede / How to get to this location:


via Regina 2


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