Villa Melzi è una splendida espressione di stile neoclassico arricchita dalla unicità dei giardini di gusto romantico. Il progetto del giardino venne realizzato dal Villoresi e la villa dall’architetto Giocondo Albertolli su commissione di Francesco Melzi d’Eril nominato Duca di Lodi da Napoleone in persona per il quale ricoprì la carica di vicepresidente della Repubblica Italiana e successivamente quella di cancelliere dell’Impero.

La Villa venne decorata ed arredata da noti artisti dell’epoca: l’Appiani ed il Bossi pittori, il Canova ed il Comolli scultori, il Manfredini bronzista. Il parco è impreziosito di statue, monumenti e curiosi cimeli tra i quali colpisce una gondola veneziana trasportata a Bellagio per il volere di Napoleone in persona. La splendida veduta sul lago e la bellezza del giardino sono descritti dallo Stendhal in “Rome, Florence, Naples” ed hanno ispirato la “Recollection of Dante” di Liszt, entrambi assidui frequentatori della Villa insieme ad altri illustri ospiti che vi soggiornarono.


Villa Melzi is a superb expression of Neoclassical style enriched by unique gardens of highly romantic taste.

The project of the gardens is due to Villoresi while the villa was designed by Giocondo Albertolli for Francesco Melzi d’Eril, appointed Duke of Lodi by Napoleon himself, on whose behalf Duke Melzi was vice-president of the Italian Republic and then chancellor of the Empire.

The villa was decorated and furnished by well-known artists of the time: Bossi and Appiani, painters, Canova and Comolli, sculptors, and Manfredini, a bronze sculptor and a chiseller. The park is embellished by statues, monuments and relics, among which you can see a gondola that Napoleon himself wanted to be transported to Bellagio.

The magnificent views of the lake and the beauty of the gardens are well described by Stendhal in “Rome, Florence, Naples” and they also inspired Liszt’s sonata “Recollection of Dante”. Both artists were frequent visitors to Villa Melzi, a place where many illustrious people of the time were often guests.

The chapel, at the end of the gardens and next to the small tourist harbour, is a remarkable temple of Neoclassical style, with its interiors decorated with paintings and stuccoes by Bossi, made even more precious by chandeliers chiseled by Manfredini. It was built between 1815 and 1820 by Albertolli and resembles a small temple with central plan, and a small dome without a bell-tower. Here are the funeral monuments of Francesco Melzi, designed by Nesti, of Giovanni Melzi, by Benzoni, and of Ludovico Melzi, by Vela. On the left there is the chapel of the Gallarati Scotti family, who inherited the property, with Duke Tommaso Gallarati Scotti, Duchess Aurelia Gallarati Scotti and Countess Virginia Gallarati Scotti. The altar and the very smooth marble Christ are masterpieces by Comolli. On the external north wall there is an ancient door, coming from the old Melzi House in Milan, believed to be a work by Bramante, with a family plaque. Opposite the gate, a XIII century stone frieze has the symbols of the four evangelists. The chapel is still consecrated.

Come raggiungere questa sede / How to get to this location:


Via Melzi d'Eril 2
Bellagio CO


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